At a Glance for March 19, 2015

Lakeland voters face referendum on $50M bond

Citizens in favor of the $50M bond issuance to fund construction of the Lakeland Prep middle/high school were out canvassing neighborhoods for support this weekend, along with residents equally opposed to the bond issuance and the school’s price tag.

See our related story and photos in this issue.

Bartlett educator to talk about Antarctica trip

seal-smiling-pic3Bartlett students are getting a special treat next week as Antarctica researchers talk to them about their findings.

Bartlett resident Alice “Alex” Eilers is manager of education at the Pink Palace in Memphis, and she has been to Antarctica twice to help researchers study Weddell seals. Eilers is visiting local schools who followed her 2014 trip online, and she is accompanied by Amy Kirkham, a graduate student at the University of Alaska at Anchorage and part of Seal Team Six.

Mid-South students read Eilers’ blog, bought more than 250 flags that Eilers’ flew over the research station, and took part in a special “Get Fit” virtual exercise program. Eilers also sent more than 5,500 postcards back to her virtual companions, more than double the number sent during her 2012 trip.

“We had an amazing time in Antarctica,” Eilers said. “The scientists were extremely thrilled with the educational and outreach components we’re doing.”

Eilers said she will be gearing up again this fall for the January and February 2016 return trip.

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