Time to shop, plan and get ready for school
Learn more about the upcoming sales tax holiday, special back-to-school sales, and what families and students need to know for the 2015-16 school year. See our Back-to-School tips in Section B!
Bartlett sets 2 crime-fighting evenings
This year, residents of Bartlett will again have two opportunities to give neighborhood crime and drugs a goodbye party.
The City of Bartlett will recognize National Night Out on the first Tuesday in August with porch-light vigils or neighbor meet-ups.
On the first Tuesday in October, the City of Bartlett will host Bartlett Night Out. Neighborhoods are asked to organize events such as block parties, carnivals, flashlight walks, youth programs and visits from local police and fire departments.
MLGW extends heat-beating reconnections
With the heat index expected to remain over 100 degrees over the next few days, Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division (MLGW) is continuing its Special Reconnect Program for residential customers. See requirements, costs and sign-up locations online.