At a Glance for Feb. 18, 2016

Photo of a speed limit sign
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Brunswick Road gets consistent speed limit

Bartlett drivers are now getting a break with more consistency in the speed limits they must follow. The entire stretch of Brunswick Road inside the City limits of Bartlett from the southern city border to Hwy 70 has been changed to a uniform 40 mph. Previously, there were areas marked as 35 mph, 40 mph, and even 45 mph.

Don’t miss ‘Big Event’ Feb. 26 in Lakeland

Lakeland is sporting a special gathering it has dubbed “The Big Event” on Feb. 26. The gathering will include a wine and cheese tasting, a Lego-building contest with prizes and a Lego-ized version of each attendee that he or she can take home.

Admission is $35. Buy tickets at or email

Saint Francis-Bartlett to host heart seminar

As part of their American Heart Month activities, Saint Francis Hospital-Bartlett and cardiologist Muhammad Janjua, M.D., will be hosting a free community seminar, “Live Longer With A Healthy Heart.”

The seminar will be at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 25. Space is limited for the seminar and reservations are required. To reserve a spot, call (901) 820-7022.

It has been estimated that if everyone took steps to improve their heart health, it could prevent 27 million heart attacks and 10 million strokes over the next 30 years.

If people met the benchmarks of a recent study and improved their heart health, it is estimated they would live 1.3 years longer, on average.