At-a-Glance for Feb. 11, 2016

Freeman Park plans gain more citizens’ input

About 25 people gathered at the Bartlett Recreation Center Monday night to hear plans on how the city will expand W.J. Freeman Park.

Ideas included whether to keep the cricket pitch (a special field for playing cricket), as well as additions of multi-purpose athletic fields, primitive camping space, a dog park, a disc golf course, a grass amphitheter, a large group multi-purpose shelter (which could also shelter the farmer’s market), an expanded playground area, more walking/jogging trails, and other ideas.

The city’s Parks and Recreation Department will be collating citizens’ feedback to tweak the plans.

Bartlett to work on fire hydrants through June 9

The Bartlett Fire Department will be servicing all fire hydrants within the city limits during Feb. 29-June 9. Hours will be 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Thursday.

Each hydrant will be opened and water flowed until any foreign material has cleared. The threads of the hydrant caps will be lubricated, and the hydrant will be painted if needed. Any hydrants with defects will be listed for repair.

Firefighters also will look for material such as trash, fencing, shrubs or bushes that would prevent the fire department from gaining immediate access to a fire hydrant.

Early voting now underway in Shelby County

Early voting for the presidential primary and the county primary elections are underway, Feb. 10-23. See more at