At a Glance for Dec. 4, 2014


Bartlett and Arlington plan parades for this Saturday.

Bartlett Christmas parade floats will start lining up around 2:30 p.m. and kick off at 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6. The route starts on Stage Road between Elmore Park and Shelby Street.

Arlington’s “Christmas Cards on Parade” also starts at 4 p.m. on Dec. 6 at the Historic Depot Square. The route will be Chester, starting at Douglas to Walker and Quintard.

Lakeland hosted Winter Fest 2014 on Dec. 2 in lieu of a parade.

Unemployment figures drop for Bartlett

The latest unemployment figures for Tennessee cities show a year-over-year drop in Bartlett’s unemployment percentage.

For October 2014, Bartlett had a labor force of 27,850 with 1,620 people (5.8 percent) unemployed.
That is a 1.6 percent decrease since October 2013.

For the same month, Shelby County had a labor force of 416,270 with 32,730 (7.9 percent) unemployed. That reflects a 1.9 percent drop since October 2013.

Source: Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development

$5K college contest entries due Dec. 31

tnstars-logoA Tennessee program that allows people to set aside money for children’s college expenses has extended its sweepstakes deadline to Dec. 31. TNStars, the state’s 529 college savings plan, will give away TNStars plans with opening account balances of $5,290 to two randomly selected Tennessee families. See entry instructions at