Arlington’s March crimes: Robbery, identity theft, con game

Arlington crime map for April 2015
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Arlington TN April 2015 incident report, 3 of 3 charts
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April 2

Airline Road (felony weapon law violations)

When questioned on April 2, a female student at Arlington High School (5475 Airline Road) admitted having a small black pocket knife with her at school. She said she forgot she had it. The assistant principal notified her father, and the responding officer confiscated the knife. She was charged with possession of a weapon on school property, suspended for 30 days from Arlington High School and transported to juvenile court.

April 3

Mary Lane (individual robbery)

A resident on the 5500 block of Mary Lane reported that an armed robber confronted her in her own driveway April 3.

She had just pulled into her driveway around 5:20 p.m. when a white male approached. He pulled out a pistol with his left hand and pointed it at her. He seemed to be under the influence of drugs and demanded $50, saying it was for his sick mama. She showed him her empty wallet, and he got mad and demanded a debit card. She told him she didn’t have a debit card or any cash with her. When she screamed, he ran off toward Lamb Road.

The responding officer and additional patrolmen checked the area and didn’t see any vehicles around or leaving the area.

She said the suspect appeared to be in his early 30s with a scruffy brown beard and mustache, and he wore a dark plaid hoodie or shirt. The pistol appeared to be a small black or blue semi-automatic pistol.

April 6

Jon Oak Drive (identity theft)

A couple on the 5200 block of Jon Oak Drive got a letter from the Tennessee Department of Revenue, saying their 2014 state income tax claim was denied. When the husband went online and tried using TurboTax to complete their federal tax filing, the system denied it and said he had already filed.

The couple learned that someone had used their information on March 22 to file taxes. The victims spoke to officers on April 6 and said that TurboTax will conduct an internal investigation, and the State of Tennessee would do so as well. They had no suspect information at the time of the report.

April 7

Brockwell Street (non-residential burglary)
Arlington TN April 2015 crime report, chart 2 of 3
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Someone damaged or stole boating equipment from an unlocked garage behind a home on the 11900 block of Brockwell Street. The owner said the theft occurred between his last boating trip on March 24 and April 7.

Someone stole the boat’s battery and the fish-finder at the front of the boat, cutting the wiring that attached the fish-finder ($300). They also stole four fishing poles and rods ($100).

Lillian Bend Drive (false pretenses, swindle, confidence game)

A resident on the 5800 block of Lillian Bend Drive reported that someone had scammed him out of $3,772 between April 3 and April 7.

He said he spoke with a woman about a 2004 Ford Ranger she was selling on eBay for $2,000. She said she was an Army sergeant and needed to sell the vehicle before she was deployed. He agreed to buy it and followed her emailed instructions to send $2,161 via Western Union to a man in Whiteford, Md., on April 4. The woman then told the buyer the military would ship the vehicle but it had to be insured first. So the victim sent $1,559 to the same Maryland address, and it was received on April 6.

The victim has not received the vehicle, and the suspect will not return any of his calls or emails.
Summer Wind Lane (identity theft): A woman began hearing from collectors on Feb. 20 about overdue bills that she had not accumulated. The bills soon totaled $1,343.77, and she reported the incidents to the sheriff’s office on April 7.

Her first notice was a $687.33 collections letter for a Joseph A. Banks account. She learned that someone used a check at one of those stores on Dec. 9, using an Orion Federal Credit Union account. She does not have an account with Orion. She checked her own bank account and found that she didn’t have any missing funds.

Then other credit collectors began popping up with other charges and checks that used her name, address and telephone number. They included $25.69 at Hobby Lobby on Dec. 9, $183 at Kroger on Dec. 2 and $447.75 at Toys R Us on Dec. 9. Two of the checks included a Tennessee driver’s license number written at the top, probably captured by the clerk for security purposes. The responding officer got a hit when he ran the license number.

The victim said she needed to report the identity theft incidents in order to satisfy debt collectors.

April 8

Airline Road (simple child abuse)

A mother on the 4800 block of Longleaf Oak Cove reported on April 8 that a caregiver at Learning Tree Daycare (5740 Airline Road) used excessive force to separate her child and another in a playground fight.

The mother and son told officers that he and another child were fighting on the playground that afternoon, and two female staff members separated the two. The son said one of the caregivers grabbed him by his neck with both hands. He didn’t lose consciousness, but the other caregivers had to separate the woman from the boy.

His mother said the caregiver left bruises on her son’s neck, and the deputies did see bruising and redness on the boy’s neck area. Deputies spoke with the business owner via phone, who said he was aware of the incident but would only release witness and defendant information in person at the daycare.

Deputies met with the owner and two witnesses at the daycare. The owner provided the suspect’s full name and other information. One deputy took crime scene photos on the playground, and both witnesses confirmed the boy’s version of events.

The business owner said he had already fired the caregiver based on the two witnesses’ statements and had notified the Tennessee Department of Human Services of the incident. Deputies returned to the victim’s home to take photos of his bruised neck.

April 9

Doctor Logan Road (aggravated assault)

A resident on the 11800 block of Doctor Logan Road reported finding what appeared to be a bullet hole in her window after school on April 9. The responding officers found what appeared to be bullet holes in the window and the nearby shutters. One bullet went through the glass, chipped the blinds and fell to the floor inside her home.

Officers found what appeared to be a bullet fragment on the floor by the window and another outside the window on the front porch. They found no casings in the area. They also learned that someone had reported hearing a shot fired earlier, but there were no suspects or contact information.

The victim said she lives alone and that her children are grown and do not live with her. She has not had disputes with anyone in the area and doesn’t know why anyone would shoot at her home, she said.

April 11

Evening Mist (threatening phone call)

A resident on the 5300 block of Evening Miss reported April 11 that a female acquaintance was once again sending her threatening text messages.

She said the suspect’s most recent messages included a warning, “We will be seeing you later, don’t hide” and a picture of a hand holding a black semi-automatic handgun. The victim said she has filed previous reports on the same suspect for sending threatening text messages. The victim said the phone number this time was unfamiliar but she identified the suspect through the contents of the messages. The victim said she was in fear for her family’s safety.

April 12

Armistead Street (simple assault/domestic violence)

Officers responded April 12 to a report of simple assault/domestic violence between an engaged couple living together on the 5900 block of Armistead Street. He accused her via text message of infidelity and said he was going to put her belongings out of the house.

She came home about an hour later and found some of her belongings in the front yard, so she moved them into the garage. He tried to move the items back outside, but she blocked his path. She said he then grabbed her arm, pushed her and threatened to knock her teeth out and kill her if she didn’t get out of his way.

The man said he did not assault her, but he wanted to end his relationship with her and have her leave the property. She had an upcoming court date on a charge of driving under the influence, and he said he expects she will be incarcerated. He speculated that she was trying to get him put in jail so he won’t throw out her belongings while she’s in jail.

The officers saw no visible signs of injuries, the statements conflicted and there were no witnesses, so officers could not determine who the primary aggressor was. They didn’t make an arrest. The woman left the property before the officers left.

April 15

Airline Road (drug equipment violation)

Someone spotted a male student going into an Arlington High School restroom on April 15 with a clear plastic soda bottle, and he smelled strongly of burnt marijuana when he emerged. When confronted by school officials and officers, he admitted bringing a marijuana joint and a homemade plastic pipe from home, and he smoked it in the boys’ restroom by himself.

Officers noticed that his eyes were red and watery, and they also found a can of Skoal dip in his backpack and a blue lighter in the restroom. They issued him a juvenile summons for possession of tobacco and drug paraphernalia. He was released to his mother and was suspended for 180 school days.

Accord Cove (identity theft)

A woman on the 11600 block of Accord Cove reported on April 15 that someone had used her personal information to file a tax return claim. The IRS advised her the previous day that someone used her Social Security Number in a fraudulent claim. The IRS also advised her to get a police report as part of the fraud claim process. She did not have any additional information regarding the fraudulent claim.

April 20

Windsor Falls Loop

A mother and father reported their son’s violent threats after they found illegal drugs in his room and took him for counseling.

The father and mother said on the previous day they found 19 Alprazolam pills in their son’s desk drawer and a green leafy substance in a container in a bathroom medicine cabinet. They confronted them about the drugs the next morning, and his mother tried taking him to Lakeside Behavioral Health System in Memphis but he refused to get out of the car.

The dad said their son got upset while they were arguing in the kitchen and threatened to get a knife and stab both his parents. The father said neither he nor his wife feared for their safety when threatened, and their son didn’t retrieve or display a weapon.

The son said he and a 16-year-old friend found the prescription pill bottle in a neighbor’s mailbox, took it and split the pills between them.

April 22

U.S. 70 (business burglary)

Officers responded to a reported business burglary at Leath Chiropractic (11125 U.S. 70, Suite 106) at 3:44 a.m. April 22. They arrived to find the front glass door shattered and broken out. The complainant arrived shortly afterward and said his alarm company had called him around 3:30 a.m.
Officers could not determine what someone used to shatter the door, and the complainant said he doesn’t have surveillance cameras. The only item missing was the cash register and $53 left inside it. Other valuable electronics in the business were not touched.

Mahogany Ridge Drive (intimidation/domestic violence)

A woman reported on April 22 that she and her fiancé had a physical fight in their Atlanta, Ga., home on April 18. She left with their six-month-old son and drove to her mother’s home on the 5400 block of Mahogany Ridge Drive.

She said her fiancé texted her several times asking where their son was and asking her to answer the phone. Then he texted a threat to “elevate this legally” if his child was not on his way back home. He threatened “unintended consequences” if she didn’t communicate this.

The woman told officers that he knows where her mother lives, and she fears he will physically harm her.

April 23

Airline Road (identity theft)

An officer responded to a reported wire fraud at Arlington High School (5475 Airline Road) on April 23. An administrator said the school secretary brought several questionable tweets (posts on to her attention, all of them using the administrator’s name, from April 16 to the present date. Topics ranged from innocent wording to swearing and racial epithets. The victim said she doesn’t have a Twitter account and didn’t give anyone permission to use her name to open an account.

She said it appeared the tweets arose when she suspended a 16-year-old black male student for bad behavior and a disrespectful attitude toward her and several other teachers on April 15. The student is a Lakeland resident, and the administrator provided his address and his mother’s telephone number.

More than 300 people (probably including AHS students) saw and read the tweets, according to the incident report. The victim said she wants to press charges against the perpetrator(s).

April 24

Jon Oak Drive (felony vandalism)

A resident on the 5100 block of Jon Oak Drive reported that he had parked his father’s Ford F150 in front of his home, and someone damaged it between 10 p.m. April 23 and about 8:45 a.m. April 24.

He was leaving to take his girlfriend to the airport when he saw that the rear windshield was broken out and the front windshield was cracked.

The responding officers saw the damage and spotted a rock on the seat. It appeared that someone threw the rock hard enough to break the rear window and continue on to the windshield, cracking it. The complainant estimated it would cost $250 to $500 to replace the windshield and rear window.

Jon Oak Drive (felony vandalism)

A different resident on the 5100 block of Jon Oak Drive reported hearing his truck alarm go off at 3:47 a.m. April 24, and he dashed outside to see a small white SUV speeding away northbound. He was not able to see the license plate number.

He saw a large gray rock in the middle of the street and fresh damage to his left rear door as if a rock had struck it.

April 25

Millwind Drive (felony drugs/narcotics violation)

Responding to a noise complaint just after midnight on April 25, deputies made the scene at a home on the 11600 block of Millwind Drive. The garage door was closed, but they smelled the odor of raw burnt marijuana coming from the garage.

Deputies knocked on the front door and went inside, but then they heard the garage door open and some people starting to run. Others started to run too, but deputies told them to stay put.

In the garage, the found large amounts of what appeared to be marijuana on the floor and more scattered in other areas as if someone were trying to pour it out. Some was rolled up in cigarette form, and there were 18 Swisher Sweets packs on the kitchen counter. Alcohol and beer bottles were in the garage and kitchen too.

Officers discovered that the homeowner was out of the country and his son was in charge of the residence while he was gone. They found the son sitting in the kitchen with what appeared to be more marijuana, a grinder and a scale.

The son said the gathering was supposed to be a small get-together and not a party. Others present included three 17-year-olds, two 18-year-olds and one 19-year-old. The son admitted that some of the marijuana was his. The marijuana was tested and weighed at 130.8 grams total gross weight.

April 26

Doctor Logan Cove (simple assault/domestic violence)

A 15-year-old male reported that his uncle assaulted him April 26 in their home on the 5700 block of Doctor Logan Cove.

The boy said he was sitting on the living room sofa around 4:25 p.m. when his uncle entered from the kitchen behind him, carrying a basketball. The uncle began verbally abusing him, calling him various homophobic names and using other expletives. The boy was running out of the room to the bathroom when his uncle hit him on the shoulder with the basketball. The uncle tried to kick the bathroom door in, but then retreated to the living room and sat down. The boy returned to the living room too, and his uncle began berating him again.

The boy’s grandmother told the responding officer she was taking a bath when she heard the commotion, including the uncle kicking and banging on the bathroom door, and she got out of the bath to stop the fight. She told the uncle to leave the youth alone.

That’s when the uncle started swearing at her and at some point dropped his cellphone. The grandmother picked it up and refused to give it back to him because she paid for it. He kicked a table, knocked over and broke a flowerpot and was about to pull over a bookcase when she called law enforcement. The man left by the front door, kicking it as he left. She said her daughter started to clean up the mess and repair the damage but that she wanted the daughter gone too.
The responding officer saw some soil on the floor and a broken flowerpot consistent with the grandmother’s complaint.

The grandmother was advised that her daughter could not be made to leave the house as she had established residency and was not involved in the altercation; the grandmother would have to file an eviction notice as it was a civil matter. The officer didn’t make an arrest as the uncle had already left the scene.

April 27

Airline Road (theft of vehicle parts/accessories)

A victim at Arlington High School reported that someone stole the license plate from his Mustang in the senior/teacher parking lot sometime during the school day on April 27. There are no video cameras in the parking lot. The tag was entered into the National Crime Information Center’s database.

April 28

Bill Morris Parkway (simple assault/domestic violence)

Deputies discovered a one-vehicle crash in the median on eastbound Bill Morris Parkway, just west of Hacks Cross Road, on April 28. It was 7:43 a.m., and the occupants were a female driver and a male passenger. The woman said she was driving her boyfriend to traffic court in Collierville when they began arguing about a past incident of stolen money. They yelled obscenities, pushed each other, and battled over whether to turn the radio up or down. She lost control of the vehicle and spun around in the medium.

Officers did not see any visible damage to the vehicle, the area or the people. The passenger’s story matched hers, and officers could not determine who the primary aggressor was. No one was arrested.

Misty Trail (false pretenses, swindle, confidence game)

A resident on the 102000 block of Misty Trail reported on April 28 that she had gone through the Student Advocate Consolidation Loan Company to pay off her student loans on Feb. 22. She said she has paid $600 and they have yet to pay off or lower her student loans.

She said she currently has $16,000 in student loans, and the company advised her they would lower her cost of student loans from $16,000 to $12,000. No other information was available at time of report.

April 29

Hidden Trail (other larceny/access device)

A victim filed a report on April 29 at the sheriff’s substation in Arlington (11670 Memphis-Arlington Road) about unauthorized transactions on his bank account.

He said he noticed the transactions on April 27. They included $100 to MLGW on March 13, $190 to MLGW on March 16 and $91.09 to T-Mobile (date not specified). MLGW told him the payments were autodrafted from his account to pay for an account on the 12100 block of Hidden Trail.

The victim said that address belongs to his ex-girlfriend, who he has not contacted since January.
She was not on scene at the time of the report, and no other information was available.

U.S. 70 (misdemeanor shoplifting)

The owner of the Paisley Rooster (11981 U.S. 70) reported having video evidence of a shoplifter on April 29.

She said the customer entered and asked about a job. While there, the security camera caught her putting white linen pants ($20) and another item of clothing into her purse. Then she went into the fitting room and talked further about the job when she emerged. The store owner said the suspect left a phone number.

The number traced back to a woman with a history of shoplifting. The owner has contacted the suspect and is setting up a time for her to return and fill out an application for employment.

April 30

Memphis Arlington Road (theft of vehicle parts/accessories)

A resident on the 11100 block of Memphis Arlington Road reported on April 30 that someone had stolen automotive parts from his backyard.

He said his Chevrolet Cobalt had been inoperable for more than six years and had been parked in his backyard for at least two of those years. He went outside on April 29 to see if all the parts were present because he was going to sell it to a junk yard. He discovered that the following parts were missing: The battery, engine, alternator, radiator, starter and transmission. He estimated that it would cost him $3,000 to replace the parts.

Arlington TN April 2015 crime report, chart 1 of 3
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Arlington TN April 2015 crime report, trend chart 1 of 2
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Arlington TN April 2015 crime report, trend chart 2 of 2
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