About 225 wrestlers competed for top honors at the Arlington Wrestling Club’s annual Bobcat Classic on Dec. 14 at Arlington High School. Tournament champions were William Westbrook, Chris DeLuca, Doug Sattler, Luke Kerns, and Clay Spicer.
Second-place winners were Lucas Hunt, Michael Anderson, Josh Miller, Sam Lee, Garrett Johnson, and Nick Taylor.
Third-place winners were Devin Milsom, Connor Nettleton, Kevin Singh, Maverick Wynne, Caleb Morgan, and Harrison Phillips.
Taking fourth-place honors were Josh Freeman, Ian West, Cooper Caskey, Parker Douglas, Greyson Speer, Jackson McGowen, Alex Merritt, and Austin Spicer.
The tournament featured talent from Shelby County and the Nashville area, as well as Jackson, Mo., and Little Rock, Ark.
AWC wrestlers also brought home several medals from the Nov. 30 Dragon Classic Youth Tournament in Collierville. Three tournament champions brought home the gold medal: Doug Sattler, Andrew Enzor and Clayton Spicer.
The six silver medalists were Josh Freeman, Connor Nettleton, Ian West, Garrett Johnson, Luke Kerns and Harrison Phillips.
The nine bronze medalists were Slayden Bramlett, Devin Milsom, William Westbrook, Tyler Shoemaker, Hayden Baudoin, Gabriel Haynes, Alex Merritt and Caleb Morgan.
The team also had seven fourth-place winners: Barry Pugh III, Michael Anderson, Aiden Nettleton, Josh Morgan, Connor Caskey Parker Douglas and Greyson Speer.
The Bobcats will compete in two more local tournaments before they begin their heavy travel season in preparation for Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) regional and state tournaments in March.
AWC is a 501c3 non-profit organization associated with AHS and includes wrestlers from Arlington, Atoka, Cordova, Bartlett, Lakeland, Somerville, and Oakland. The club, a developmental program for the AHS Tiger wrestling team, competes all over Shelby County and the surrounding states. Members range from kindergarteners to eighth-graders.
For more information, see http://www.arlingtonbobcatwrestling.com/default.aspx.
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