Steve Bierbrodt, 43, Chief Investigations Officer for the Shelby County Clerk’s Office, two years of college.
Family: Married for 14 years with 2 beautiful girls.
Organizations: Arlington health and safety committee, coach of the Arlington Lady Tigers 10u fast pitch team, and active member of Faith Baptist in Arlington.
Most pressing issues: A qualified superintendent, teachers and buildings.
“I have been in government work for 16 years, with the last 2 and a half years in administration. I have experience in developing budgets, working with tenured employees, writing RFQs, and creating policies. Throughout my career, I have worked with government officials on both the local and state levels to create a more efficient and effective government for the citizens of Shelby County.”
Position 2
Laura Campbell, 49, employed for the past 12 years at Arlington Middle School and the preceding two years at Arlington Elementary. Over the course of these 14 years, I was offered the opportunity to work both indirectly and directly with students as support personnel (rather than an administrator or teacher) in the cafeteria, regular classroom, special education and school office. Overton High School alumnus, Associate of Science-Middle Management Technology/Industrial degree, State Technical Institute at Memphis with a study focus in accounting.
Family: Husband, Russ Campbell (former Bartlett resident and Bartlett High School graduate), married 26 years, oldest son, John T. Campbell is engaged to Nina Dodson, and a younger son, Scott E. Campbell.
Organizations: Volunteer in town and community activities and organizations in Arlington, two committees for the town of Arlington as a young adult, serving with a group that established the current Chamber of Commerce. Board member of the original volunteer sports organization, The Arlington Athletic Association, PTA board member at Arlington Elementary School, block captain for Neighborhood Watch, and a cub scout leader. Founding committee member of the Arlington Middle School PTSA, ruling elder at Arlington Presbyterian church, women’s ministry leader, Sunday school teacher and youth group leader and currently an active member of Hickory With Presbyterian Church in Fayette County.
Most pressing issues: The opportunity to define and develop a school system to enhance the future of the greater Arlington community, support curriculum and evaluation system, establish cooperative agreements between municipal communities.
“I am a mother, which gives me a love for children. Further, as the child of a teacher and a former employee of our current school system, I have a perspective that I think can prove an asset in crafting a new school system. And lastly, I have a history of dedicated service to the Arlington community and more specifically to our youth.”
Lee Mills, 37, Airline Pilot, 1993 graduate of Austin High School in Decatur, Alabama, 1998 graduate of Auburn University, B.S. Aviation Management.
Family: Wife, Amber and two children, Grayson (5) and Tanner (2).
Organizations: Member of the Arlington School Planning Committee, Member of the Arlington Parks and recreation Committee, member of the family action council of Tennessee’s West Tennessee Advisory Board, Emeritus member of the Auburn University Aviation Management Advisory Board. Member of St. Paul UMC and Finance Committee Member, Volunteer as a guest speaker at local schools discussing civics and airline operations.
Most pressing issues: Hiring a superintendent, acquiring the school buildings and setting up support services.
“As an airline pilot I possess four important traits that will help me be an excellent school board member; I am accountable for my actions, I am a good communicator, I am committed to the task at hand and I operate in an environment of transparency.”
Position 3
Kay Morgan Williams, 65, Clinical faculty member for education, Christian Brothers University. Bachelor of Science in Education, University of Memphis and Master of Education, University of Memphis.
Family: Husband, Ron Williams
Organizations: Shelby County Republican Party, Team Captain for the Alzheimer’s Association, Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities, Volunteer, Juvenile Diabetes Association.
Most pressing issues: The Arlington Municipal School Planning Commission, of which I am a member, is presently addressing the most immediate issues. First is to prepare a policy manual and a short list of Superintendent candidates for the elected board’s consideration. Second, the elected board must maintain stability in the transition process. Third, we must not stagnate. The people of Arlington are pleased with our current schools because they continually strive for excellence. That tradition of excellence must be continued.
“I have 31 years experience in Shelby County schools, both as a teacher and as an administrator. Additionally, I served a leadership role as President of the Shelby County Education Association and as a chairperson of the elementary and middle schools principal’s association. I know how a school system should function. I have real world experience in developing solutions foe educational problems. Further, I have professional relationships with other educators, consultants and leaders in our area, relationships that can be used for the benefit of Arlington children.”
Position 4
Kevin Yates, 35, Project Manager at FedEx and former teacher of economics, U.S. history and English at Bolton High School. High school diploma from Riverside High school in Parsons, TN, Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration in marketing from UT Martin and completed the graduate work to receive teacher certification at the University of Memphis.
Family: Wife of ten years and father of three children ages, 7, 6 and 4.
Organizations: Member of Kirby Woods Baptist Church, Sunday school teacher to young adult couples and coach several youth sports teams. Member of the Arlington School Planning Commission, volunteer in several organizations with a focus on children such as the Child Advocacy Center, Youth Villages, The Ronald McDonald House and Youth Villages.
Most pressing issues: Proper planning and preparation necessary for success, maintaining the current high standards of education that Arlington is accustomed to and also planning for the future requiring a responsible fiscal cession for the community, and maintaining the momentum and fostering a culture where the community galvanizes around the local schools through means such as sporting events community outreach and the school board.
“I am running because I believe my experience and skills lends itself to the needs of the inaugural Arlington school board. As a citizen, a former teacher and a parent I understand the critical need of education and how it serves the entire community. My motivation is for the success of our local schools and our kids.”
Danny Young, 47, Fire fighter, Shelby County Fire Department, graduated public schools.
Family: Married, father of 5, three of which are in Arlington schools.
Organizations: Shelby County Firefighters Association IAFF-2585, president
Most pressing issues: Superintendent search, human resource review and consideration, maintenance and custodial services, food services and nutrition, transportation, technology and board policy review.
“I feel very strongly about all kids receiving a quality education and as a school board member I will be a frontline advocate for the students of Arlington.”
Position 5
Barbara Fletcher, 68,Cry-Leike realtor, Bachelor of Science in education and a Masters Degree in Administration and Supervision form the University of Memphis.
Family: Married to former Lakeland Mayor, Gene Fletcher, and we have two grown children, Jay Fletcher and Jeanie Fletcher Rittenberry.
Organizations: Board of directors for the Lakeland Lions Club, with the Masonic Lodge for Arlington in April and Music on the Square, Mayor Wissman’s Municipal School Planning Commission. I am also a member of Clopton United Methodist Church where I currently serve as Chairman of the Staff Parish Relations Committee.
Most pressing issues: Continuing to provide quality education for our children, laying a strong foundation through operational policies and procedures and appropriate governance (technology, transportation, food and nutrition services, etc.) and hiring a superintendent that is the best fit for our community.
“I served the Shelby County School System for 36 years as an educator (Ellendale elementary and Arlington elementary) and administrator (Ellendale Elementary and Barret’s Chapel Elementary). My most recent position was principal of Barret’s Chapel Elementary School in Arlington.”