The Arlington town board approved resolutions on four projects totaling more than $260,000 Monday night. Resolutions included:
- Entering into an agreement with Powers Hill Design LLC to perform professional services for the Phase 2 of the Forrest Street Park project. The cost will be $130,435.
- Entering into an agreement with CSX Transportation Inc. for construction engineering and inspection for safety improvements to the Lamb Road crossing. The total cost for this part of the project will be $17,305. Because of a Tennessee Department of Transportation grant (TDOT), the actual cost to Arlington will only be 10 percent of that amount, or $1,730.50.
- Awarding the bid for the Lamb Road and CXS Railroad crossing to Standard Construction for a total cost of $124,335.
- Authorizing an emergency purchase for an air conditioning unit at the Public Works facility. The unit will be purchased from Temperature Inc. at a cost of $10,625.
In other business, the board also approved:
- Entering into an intergovernmental agreement for inspection of Fire Department equipment.
- Accepting a Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) proposal to construct road improvements on Airline Road from Brooks River Drive to south of Interstate 40
- Entering into Arlington athletic facility provider agreements with the Arlington Youth Sports/Arlington Football League, Arlington Recreation Soccer, Arlington Youth Little League, Arlington Arsenal Baseball and Arlington Lacrosse.
- Appointing Scott Benjamin to fill the unexpired term for Position1 on the school board for the Arlington Community Schools district. This will be into effect until the next municipal election in September 2017.
CAROLYN BAHM is the editor of The Bartlett Express. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to