Arlington gunshot victim identified as Frayser man

bartlett-crimestoppers-logoA man found dead in a rural Arlington field Saturday has been identified as Charles Kerr, 29, of Frayser.

At an adjacent cemetery, people who were attending a burial and checking another person’s grave spotted his body in the field, according to Chip Washington, public information officer for the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO).

The field is in the 6700 block of Long Road, near Mt. Sinai African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Arlington.

The medical examiner found that Kerr died of multiple gunshot wounds, Washington said. The SCSO is investigating the case.

More information has not yet been released, including his estimated time of death or additional identifying information except for his ethnicity. Kerr was an African American man.

Other media reports have described him as a father of five who recently obtained full custody of his son and was living with his mother.

His death appears to be an isolated incident, but the investigation is only two days old, Washington said Monday.

Washington encourages citizens with any information about Kerr or the circumstances surrounding his death to call the SCSO’s Detective Unit at (901) 222-5600 or CrimesStoppers at (901) 528-CASH (2274).