Arlington, Bartlett and Bolton High Schools Celebrate 10th Anniversary of Giving Blood

Larry Hilbun, chairman of the Bartlett area Lifeblood donor council, presents checks to the winners of Giving IX, 2011. Winners includes representatives of all three schools, Bolton, Bartlett and Arlington High Schools.

By Jennifer Stanley Gladstone

For the tenth consecutive year, Lifeblood is hosting “Giving Together X” with Pfizer. Three area high schools, Arlington, Bartlett and Bolton, are working together to collect blood donations from Saturday, October 20, 2012 through Saturday, November 3, 2012.

During that time, the schools work to collect as many blood donations as possible through a combination of individual donors at Lifeblood donor centers and blood drives at the high schools.

Pfizer, Inc., a global leader in pharmaceuticals will contribute up to $6,000 in grant funds to be equally divided among the three schools. If the three schools together collect 300 or more units of blood during the time period allotted, each school will receive $2,000 from Pfizer. For 250-299 donors, they will each receive $1,800; for 200-249 donors, they will each receive $1,500; and less than 200 donors, they will each receive $1,000. The money received is to be used to aid the school’s mathematics and/or science programs.

To help gather these donations, each school will be holding its own blood drive during the week of October 22-26. Bolton High’s is on Tuesday, October 23, Arlington High’s drive is on Wednesday, October 24 and Bartlett High’s is on Friday, October 26.

“It’s exciting to see the students come together and take responsibility to ensure their community has a safe and reliable blood supply,” said Lifeblood’s Jason Sykes. “It’s moving to see donors make the commitment to donate at a young age. One we hope will continue throughout their lives.”

In addition, donors can come to any Lifeblood donor center across the Mid-South during the allotted time period and donate blood on behalf of one of the three high schools. For center locations, visit or call 901.529.6320.

In 2011, “Giving Together” garnered an overall total of 553 units of blood from donors at Arlington, Bartlett and Bolton. The blood donations helped more than 1,659 people, noted Larry Hilbun, chairman of the Bartlett Area Lifeblood Donor Council.

“We are thrilled to celebrate our tenth anniversary of Giving Together,” said Hilbun. “The students at Arlington, Bartlett and Bolton High Schools are fundamental in helping Lifeblood find lifelong blood donors in our area. They provide a great example for adult donors in our community to follow.”

Lifeblood is the Memphis region’s only full-service, non-profit blood center. Lifeblood is the area’s leading provider of blood and blood components to area hospitals, supplying more than 100,000 units for local patient transfusions each year. Lifeblood is a member of America’s Blood Centers, an alliance of community-based, non-profit blood centers. Through its neighborhood donor centers and full schedule of mobile blood drives, Lifeblood provides opportunities to donate blood throughout the year. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 1-888-LIFEBLOOD.