Area school districts set their registration dates

Area schools have announced their spring registration dates and hours.

Bartlett City Schools (BCS)

BCS-small-logoThe BCS spring registration will be 4:30-7 p.m. March 24 at Appling Middle, Bon Lin Middle, Elmore Park Middle and Bartlett High (grades 10, 11 and 12).

Registration will be 4:30-7 p.m. March 26 at Altruria Elementary, Bartlett Elementary, Bon Lin Elementary, Ellendale Elementary, Oak Elementary, Rivercrest Elementary and Bartlett Academy (ninth-graders).

Participation is open to:

  • Students of Bartlett residents, including shared residence* students who are zoned for BCS
  • Non-resident students who have their 2015-16 transfer approval letters

For grades one through 12, one or more of the student’s parents or guardians must provide the following documentation to register:

  • Two proofs of residence
  • A completed demographic form
  • (non-resident students only) The approval letter
  • (new students only) Certified copy of the student’s birth certificate
  • (new students only) Tennessee Department of Health immunization certificate with proof of a physical exam within 12 months before enrollment

Kindergarten students must be five years old on or before Aug. 15 and one or more of the student’s parents or guardians must provide the following documentation to register:

  • Certified copy of the student’s birth certificate
  • Proof of the student’s recent medical examination
  • Tennessee Department of Health immunization certificate with proof of a physical exam within 12 months before enrollment
  • Social Security card

Open Enrollment Transfers: Transfer applications for the 2015-16 school year are now available and will be accepted through March 13. Go online to to read the “Open Enrollment Procedures,” select the appropriate transfer application to complete, and submit it to Student Services. Parents/guardians who have questions may call Student Services at (901) 202-0855, Ext. 238.

Preview for ninth-graders: Bartlett 9th Grade Academy’s preview night will be 5-7 p.m. Feb. 19. The event is open to all current eighth-grade students and their families. The event will be an open-house format with the opportunity to tour the school, meet the staff and learn about the school’s academics, fine arts and extracurricular activities. Parents will receive a school map upon arrival.

Representatives will be available to share information and answer questions about the pre-registration process, course offerings, extra-curricular activities and leadership opportunities that will be available during the 2015-16 school year.

For more information, visit the BCS website at

Arlington Community Schools (ACS)

Arlington-logo-revisedACS spring registration will be 4:30-7 p.m. March 26 at Arlington Elementary, Donelson Elementary and Arlington High School (grades 9 and 10).

Registration will be 4:30-7 p.m. March 31 at Arlington Middle School and Arlington High School (grades 11 and 12).

Participation is open to:

  • Currently enrolled students (including shared residence students) who are zoned for ACS
  • Currently enrolled and newly approved non-resident students

For grades one through 12, one or more of the student’s parents or guardians must provide the following documentation to register:

  • Two proofs of residence
  • (non-resident students only) The approval letter
  • (new students only) A completed registration packet
  • (new students only) Social Security card
  • (new students only) Tennessee Department of Health immunization certificate

Kindergarten students must be five years old on or before Aug. 15 and one or more of the student’s parents or guardians must provide the following documentation to register:

  • Certified copy of the student’s birth certificate
  • Proof of the student’s recent medical examination
  • Tennessee Department of Health immunization certificate with proof of a physical exam within 12 months before enrollment
  • Social Security card

Visit the ACS website at for additional information and forms. For questions, Student Services may be reached at (901) 389-2497.

Arlington High School held an “Explore AHS” evening on Jan. 29.

Lakeland School System (LSS)

Lakeland School System's logoLakeland currently has one facility, Lakeland Elementary School, for children in grades K-5. A combined middle and high school facility is currently in the works and is expected to open by the fall of 2018.

In the interim, Lakeland students are also educated at other nearby public schools through interlocal agreements with Arlington Community Schools and Bartlett City Schools. Those schools include:

  • Donelson Elementary (Grades K-5)
  • Arlington Middle (Grades 6-8)
  • Bon Lin Middle (Grades 6-8)
  • Arlington High (Grades 9-12)

LSS has a Zone Finder page on its website so parents/guardians can determine where their children should attend classes: Students should register at the school they will be attending.

Lakeland Elementary School’s spring registration will be 9:15 a.m.-7:30 p.m. March 26 at the school (10050 Oak Seed Lane, Lakeland).

Participation is open to:

  • All students currently enrolled at Lakeland Elementary School
  • Any incoming kindergarten students who will be five on or before Aug. 15
  • Any new students residing in the Lakeland city limits

Shared residence* students will register during the regular registration, to be held later this summer (date to be announced).

For currently enrolled students, one or more of the student’s parents or guardians must provide two proofs of residence to register. Acceptable documentation includes:

  • Current mortgage statement (February or March)
  • Current lease agreement
  • Current MLG&W bill (February or March)
  • Rental agreement
  • Real estate tax receipt (2014)

For new students and incoming kindergartners, one or more of the student’s parents/guardians must provide:

  • Proof of residence (see list of acceptable documentation above)
  • Social Security card
  • Certified copy of the student’s birth certificate
  • Tennessee Department of Health immunization certificate
  • Completed enrollment forms, available on the LSS website
  • (for kindergarteners only) Proof of recent medical examination (within the preceding 12 months)

Go to the “Resources” page of the school district’s website at to access forms for enrollment, health information, imunization exemption, a primary home language survey and Donelson Elementary transfer.

* “Shared residence” refers to scenarios in which parents and children live with another family (and thus cannot provide the usual proof of residency requirements for acceptance into public schools).