AMS to break ground in March for new gym

The Arlington Middle School’s new gymnasium will have double the capacity of the school’s current facility. Image courtesy of Renaissance Group.
The Arlington Middle School’s new gymnasium will have double the capacity of the school’s current facility. Image courtesy of Renaissance Group.

Arlington Middle School will break ground next month on its new gym and expects to complete construction by October. Seating 1,100, it will double the current facility’s capacity.

“Anyone who has attended a basketball game or program in our current gym knows how tight the space can be,” said Tyler Hill, communications coordinator for Arlington Community Schools district. “We’re forced to leave many visitors standing or split our programs into two performances just to make room. This new gym will alleviate those problems, while making it a much more functional space.”

Features of the new gym include:

  • Hardwood courts, an improvement for safety and basketball play over the existing gym’s tile floor
  • Private locker rooms for both home and visiting teams
  • Concession stands
  • Additional public restrooms
  • State-of-the-art sound and visual equipment for not only sports but also other school events such as programs and performances
  • Additional space for sports other than basketball, including cheer and dance (currently those teams must practice off-site)
  • An exterior covered walkway