Amanda Ortiz of AHS signs on with UT

Amanda Ortiz of Arlington High School signed a letter of intent to play soccer at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Arlington High School soccer player Amanda Ortiz signed a letter of intent on April 1 with the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Seated, from left, are Jaden Morales, nephew; Megan Chaffins, sister; Marcus Ortiz, father; Amanda Ortiz; Tami Ortiz, mother; Brooke Ortiz, sister; and Sophia Ortiz, sister. Standing, from left, are club coach Clint Browne and AHS head coach Zeke Vezina.
Photo by Alan Campbell

Arlington High School and head soccer coach Zeke Vezina announce that Amanda Ortiz signed a letter of intent on April 1 to continue her soccer career at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

Coach Vezina said, “When I think of Amanda Ortiz, I think of Vince Lombardi’s quote, ‘The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.’”

During her time as an Arlington Lady Tiger, Amanda was awarded Best of Preps her freshman, sophomore and junior years before suffering an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury during her senior year. She led her team to its first D1 AAA State tournament in 2012 and leaves a record of 53 goals, 36 assists and numerous district and regional championships.

Amanda, or ‘O,’ will most likely be remembered for her dedication to her team after she suffered her ACL injury. Even though she was unable to play her senior year, she never missed a preseason practice, a team meeting or her physical therapy, and she continued to support her teammates from the sidelines throughout the entire 2013 season.