A tree with a sweet, alarming surprise

Tree down in Bartlett
Click to enlarge. Photo by Mac Trammell.

Traffic on Elmore Road had to be diverted due to a downed tree in which several hundred bees had taken residence.

The road was blocked off to through-traffic while workers disentangled the tree from a downed power line amid a swarm of bees.

The tree fell Monday night around 3:30 a.m. An official on the scene said that wind likely knocked it over onto Elmore Road. The tree has been dead and rotting for years. Bees decided to make the innards their home until Mother Nature made other plans.

Workers removed most the wood from the road and grabbed some honeycombs to put in a box in an effort to corral the bees. As of 11 a.m. only one sting had occurred.

Written by Mac Trammell. Contact him at mactram94@gmail.com.

Tree down in Bartlett
Click to enlarge. Photo by Mac Trammell.