Every student at Lakeland Elementary School will receive a hands-on introduction to computer programming as part of the national Hour of Code the week of Dec. 8-14.
Guests are invited to observe the students at work at Lakeland Elementary School on Wednesday, Dec. 10 from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Superintendent Dr. Ted Horrell noted, “This event lines up perfectly with our district goals to enhance the technological proficiency of all of our students and give them more technology skills they can use to improve learning and career readiness.”
In the same event last year, 15 million students tried computer science, and the importance of computer science was highlighted on the home pages of Google, MSN, Yahoo! and Disney.
President Obama, Shakira and Ashton Kutcher all kicked off last year’s Hour of Code with videos. More than 100 partners came together to support this movement.
Now the Hour of Code is aiming for 100 million students in 2014. Computers are everywhere, but fewer schools teach computer science than 10 eyars ago. Girls and minorities are underrepresented. The Hour of Code is intended to help change this.
Each of the more than 800 students at Lakeland Elementary School will be joining in on the largest learning event in history, the 2014 Hour of Code.
One-hour coding tutorials are available in over 30 languages. For details, go online to hourofcode.com. Also see this video to learn why it’s important to try coding.