Bartlett Police reports for Oct. 27-Nov. 1, 2014

The Bartlett Police Department (BPD) reported the following incidents for Oct. 27-Nov. 1, 2014.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

Oct. 27

Bartlett police badgeDevine Street

A Devine Street resident reported her husband’s wedding band missing on Oct. 27 and named her son as the primary suspect.

Her son, who has an extensive criminal history, came by the house on Oct. 25 when the victim was not home, she reported. As soon as she learned about his unsupervised visit, she checked her jewelry box and discovered the ring was missing.

She said he had a key to the residence but was not allowed inside, and she has since changed the deadbolt locks.

Oct. 28

Seventh Road

Police responded to Youth Villages (7025 Seventh Road) on the morning of Oct. 28 after fire fighters arrived to handle a fire and observed several people fighting in the yard of the facility.

One of those struggling spontaneously admitted to setting a fire in a trash can while several people, including juvenile residents, were in the building. That person also said she had set many fires in the past and had burned down a neighbor’s trailer before being placed in state custody.

Bartlett Boulevard

Someone stole two handguns from an unlocked pickup parked on the 2800 block of Bartlett Boul-evard between 8 a.m. and noon on Oct. 23. The victim reported the thefts on Oct. 28. Items stolen were a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 handgun ($400) and a Walther PPS 9 mm handgun ($640).

Craven Road

Three men robbed a woman arriving at her Craven Road home around 3:30 a.m. Oct. 28. She had walked around to her front door when a black man wearing a black hoodie approached her from behind, hit her head and told her to get on the ground. She screamed twice for help when two more black men came up frisked her.

They took her Apple iPhone 5S, Rolex watch and car key and fled into the woods.

Oct. 31

Oak Road

Someone burglarized an Oak Road resident’s three vehicles between 9:30 p.m. Oct. 30 and 5:30 a.m. Oct. 31, stealing a .380 semi-automatic pistol from one vehicle’s center console.

Montpelier Drive

Someone pried open the rear door of a home on Montpelier Drive, damaging the door frame and stealing several items, the resident reported around 1:23 p.m. Oct. 31.

Items stolen included a flat screen television, two step ladders and a residential air conditioning unit.

Nov. 1

Patty Hill Cove

Someone stole a Colt 1911 .45 pistol and a spare magazine from a home on Patty Hill Cove, the resident reported on Nov. 1.

He told the responding officer that two workers were in the residence earlier that week, and he has since contacted the company’s owner regarding the theft.