Local municipalities reach petition goals for grocery wine sales vote

Wine in Grocery StoresAs of Monday, work continued on verifying signatures on petitions to add the Wine in Grocery Store (WIGS) referendum to the Nov. 4 ballot for Memphis, but the goal seems within reach. Other munitipalities have reached their goals already:

  • Memphis: 12,355 valid; 13,372 needed
  • Arlington: 328 valid; 328 needed
  • Bartlett: 1,623 valid; 1,622 needed
  • Collierville: 1,562 valid; 1,559 needed
  • Germantown: 1,803 valid; 1,803 needed
  • Lakeland: 392 valid; 392 needed
  • Millington: 325 valid; 325 needed

On Monday, Memphis was within 1,000 signatures of the 13,332 signature target. Because thousands of signatures remain to be verified, it is likely Memphis residents will meet their goal.

Unincorporated Shelby will not have the referendum on the ballot, as their petitions contained thousands less signatures necessary to reach the goal. Only 432 of the approximately 3,000 signatures necessary have been verified and there are not enough signatures left remaining for verification to enable residents in unincorporated Shelby County to vote on the issue in November.