Next Citizens Police Academy to begin Sept. 4

City of Bartlett's Citizens Police Academy logoBartlett’s Citizens Police Academy (CPA) begins Sept. 4 at 6 p.m. at the Bartlett Police Department.

The CPA is a free 10-week course designed to educate citizens and give them an opportunity to observe and understand law enforcement with a hands-on approach.

Police officers and staff members present condensed versions of actual police training to provide the student with an overall view of the issues we face as police officers.

Classes include demonstrations, discussions, practical exercises and student participation.

Students in this session will be introduced to DUI Investigation, Defensive Tactics, K9 handling, SWAT, Crime Scene Investigation, Narcotic Identification, and Gang identification, among other classes.

For more information, contact the coordinator, Lt. Todd Halford, at or Lori Minch at

Potential attendees can pick up an application at the Bartlett Justice Center, the Bartlett Station Municipal Center or online at