Bartlett, Arlington, Lakeland announce Memorial Day closures

Flags on Memorial Day
Photo source:, some rights reserved.
For Memorial Day on Monday, area municipalities have announced the following closures and service delays.

  • Bartlett: City offices and the library will be closed on Monday. Trash pick-up will be delayed one day, with the Monday pick-up moved to Tuesday and the Friday pick-up moved to Saturday. The Bartlett Recreation Center will be open 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Arlington: The town hall will be closed Monday. Trash pickup will be delayed by one day, and recycling pickup will move from Friday to Saturday.
  • Lakeland: City hall and the Lakeland Senior Center will be closed on Monday. Republic Services will not pick up trash on Monday in Lakeland; trash service will instead be from Tuesday to Saturday. The Lakeland Fitness class normally held 8:30-9:30 a.m. on Mondays is also cancelled for the Memorial Day holiday.