“Happy Fall Y’all” 55+ Luncheon

by Gerrit Verschuur
Seniors enjoy music, dancing and other forms of art at the Lakeland Senior Center for the Happy Fall Y’all celebration.

By Jennifer Rezba

Approximately 61 friends, neighbors, elected officials, and City of Lakeland staff, attended the quarterly senior luncheon sponsored by Don Stewart, Agent, State Farm Insurance, 9998 Hwy 64. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the program and music presented by the Bartlett Choral and Drama Group. The group performed old, familiar music that everyone knew and could sing along and clap with. Towards the end of the program, everyone spontaneously stood to sing “God Bless America” with the group.


We are so fortunate to have groups perform for our senior luncheons, and their only “pay” is a free lunch. We are deeply grateful and appreciative that so many talented groups have been willing to come and entertain us and have contributed so much to making the quarterly luncheons so much fun and so successful.


We want to extend a special thanks to the Bartlett Choral and Drama group and to Toof Brown, Musical director of the group, for a wonderful program.  We deeply appreciate the sponsorship of Don Stewart, State Farm Insurance for sponsoring the Luncheon, and for the door prizes donated by ATC Fitness Center Wayne’s Liquor, 8425 Hwy 64, Bartlett, and Kroger, US Hwy. 64 for providing fried and baked chicken. The support and contributions of so many is what makes it the success it is!


A sincere thank you to Mayor Scott Carmichael, Master of Ceremonies, Dr. Paul Criss, Pastor of the New Salem church, for giving the invocation at this event and to Gerrit Verschuur, who was our photographer for the event.


A great time was had by all and look forward to the next holiday luncheon, which will be held Friday, November 16, 2012, at IH Managerial Clubhouse at 11:30 a.m. Mark your Calendar, and hope to see you there!