College Fair 2014 coming to Central Library Jan. 14-15

image004 copy MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The two-day College Fair 2014 is coming to the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library at 3030 Poplar Ave. on Jan. 14-15. Each day of the fair is designed to meet the specific needs of Memphis citizens of different ages, and events will be in meeting rooms A through C:

Jan. 14: This day is designed for high school students and recent graduates with events from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Attendees are invited to talk to college recruiters, ask questions about financial aid, and take a look at dorm life, followed by a tour of the Library and attendance at a step show. (High school students and recent graduates are asked to register in advance.)

Jan. 15: This day is designed for working adults and other nontraditional students considering college, with events from noon to 5 p.m. College recruiters will be on hand to help them navigate the college admissions process, locate resources for financial aid, and answer questions.

College Fair attendants also will receive other helpful information like a sample college essay, an ACT writing test sample, a dorm room checklist, and earning statistics for college graduates.

The event is brought to area residents by the Memphis Public Library and Information Center (MPLIC), in partnership with the Memphis Talent Dividend.

To register or learn more about the Memphis Public Library’s College Fair 2014, call (901) 415-2847.

Lakeland Chamber sets Jan. 18 date for 2013 awards

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The Lakeland Chamber Awards banquet will be held at 7 p.m. Jan. 18 at the Refuge Church, 9817 Huff N Puff Road, Lakeland.

Members and a guess will be admitted free of charge; non-members will pay $20 per person for admittance. Attendees must send an RSVP by Jan. 14 to

Robinwood to host health fair Jan. 15

Robinwood Retirement Resort will host a health fair 9:30-11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 15. The health fair is open to the public and is free of charge.

The event will feature vendors addressing age-related health issues. Representatives providing information and answering questions will include Bartlett Recreation Center, Right at Home, Southern College of Optometry, and the Alzheimer’s Association, among others. A representative from the Area Agency on Aging and Disability – State Health Insurance Assistance Program (AAAD-SHIP) will be available to discuss Medicare.

Robinwood Marketing Director, Sue Sigler, said Robinwood is happy to host events that benefit the community. “Healthy living is what Robinwood is all about.”

See the website at for more information about the facility.

Bartlett Gardening University kicks off with Jan. 18 ‘Soil’ talk

Bartlett City Beautiful is sponsoring “Bartlett Gardening University” in conjunction with the Memphis Area Master Gardeners and Bartlett Library. The six-lecture series will be at 2:30 p.m. every other Saturday, beginning Jan. 18, in the meeting room of the Bartlett Library, 5884 Stage Road.

The schedule has changed slightly since the lecture series’ first announcement; it will now begin with a talk about soil and follow it with shade gardening. The balance of the schedule remains unchanged, as follows:

  • Jan. 18, Soil: No matter what you want to grow, vegetables, flowers, crops or trees you need to have good soil.  Master Gardener Jim Volgas will instruct you as to what makes the best soil and how to achieve it and the resulting gardening success.
  • Feb. 1, Shade Gardening: If you are blessed with shade in your landscape, you will want to attend this presentation on shade gardening by Anne Krekelberg, immediate past president of the Memphis Area Master Gardeners.
  • Feb. 15, Trees: The anchor of any landscape plan is its trees. Certified Arborist and Urban Forester Jim Volgas will share pointers on how to choose the best tree as well as tips on planting, pruning and maintenance of these plants that provide several lifetimes of enjoyment.
  • March 1, Herbs: Herb expert Sara Burnett shares her knowledge. Burnett is the author of  “A Year in the Life of the Herb Garden” and a charter member of the Memphis Herb Society.
  • March 15, Hydrangeas: One of the most beloved plants in our landscape is the hydrangea, with varieties for both shade and sunny locations.  Learn which ones perform best in Memphis from the president/founder of the Mid-South Hydrangea Society, Linda Lanier.
  • March 29, Create a Backyard Habitat: One of the joys of gardening is the wildlife that is drawn to our yards. Join Master Gardener Debbie Pitman to learn how to create an inviting backyard habitat.