Arlington evaluates car for superintendent

By Carolyn Bahm
Express Editor

A vehicle for the Arlington school superintendent was part of discussions at the Arlington town board meeting Monday night. The town board approved buying and owning the vehicle with plans to transfer it over to the school district at a later date.

Mayor Mike Wissman said that approving only a mileage allowance (at the federal rate) instead of a vehicle plus city-provided fuel would have easily cost the town two to three times the vehicle’s price because of the extensive travel required during the district’s start-up year.

Wissman said the vehicle could be used for Mason’s daily business or personal travel needs or for travel to educational conferences, the Tennessee Department of Education, or other business meetings. At Mason’s discretion, the vehicle also can be used by other school board members or city employees such as the chief financial officer (CFO) traveling on business. Wissman said the school board will set the vehicle’s usage policy. Wissman said it would be a school board decision further down the road whether to continue providing the superintendent’s vehicle once the school district is firmly established.

Bids have already been let for a Ford Explorer and are due in by Friday, said Ed Haley, town superintendent. Initial estimates are for a $24,000 to $25,000 cost. Funds will come from general administration capital outlay.

Also see Arlington, Lakeland approve superintendents’ contracts for more details.

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