The Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce is notifying members that noon on Monday, Nov. 18, is the deadline to submit nominations to the organization’s Election Committee.
That committee will meet on Nov. 18 to meet and nominate members to serve on the Board of Directors of the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce for the 2020–2022 term.
Nominees should be current dues-paying members that have shown an active interest in the Chamber and its mission.
Nominations are to be submitted to the Chamber Office in care of Kathy Carl at
The Election Committee will review all nominees and will approve a “Slate of Nominees” to be submitted to the General Membership for approval.
Following are the relevant bylaws.
“Nominations for new Directors must be submitted no later than one month before the end of the Chamber Year and must be approved at the last remaining Board meeting prior to the new year. The Chairman shall appoint an Election Committee composed of five (5) members, at least two (2) of whom shall not be members of the present Board of Directors. The Election Committee shall notify the general membership ten (10) days in advance of its first meeting and invite recommendations in writing of persons the membership would like to have considered.
“The Election Committee shall present a slate of candidates to serve three-year terms to replace the directors whose regular terms are expiring. Each candidate must be an active member in good standing and must have agreed to accept the responsibility of a directorship.
“Additional names of candidates for Directors can be nominated by petition bearing the genuine signatures of at least ten (10) qualified members of the Chamber. Such petition shall be filed with the Election Committee within ten (10) days after notice has been given to the names of those nominated. The determination of the Election Committee as to the legality of the petition(s) shall be final.”
“If no petition is filed within the designated period, the nominations shall be closed and the nominated slate of candidates shall be declared elected. If legal petition is filed within the designated period, Directors shall be elected by the entire voting membership, each duly designated voting member in good standing being entitled to one (1) vote. A ballot containing the names submitted by the Election Committee shall be mailed to all members qualified to vote at least ten (10) days before the annual election date. No votes received after 12:00 noon on the date of the election shall be counted.”