We are nearing the day when we honor our veterans. Monday is officially Veterans Day, and later this week and weekend many schools and communities will hold special ceremonies giving honor where honor is due – to those who proudly served our country in the armed forces so that we have freedoms like the freedom to write this personal column without fear of persecution.

Freedom of the press is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. We continue to have freedoms like this because of those who have been willing to serve and keep our nation free.
While I did not avoid military service when I was the age to serve I also stayed clear of recruiting stations. Signing up for the draft was scary enough for me so I was lucky enough to stay in college and keep a legitimate deferment. I would probably have been turned down if drafted because of a flat foot and other medical conditions.
During my college years, the Vietnam War was raging. Most who dropped out of college went to Vietnam. I appreciate those who defended our freedoms over there in a terrible wartime. At the same time, I am happy that I did not have to go.
Two years’ mandatory service in the Army ROTC in college was enough for me.
A high school classmate of mine was killed in Vietnam. I didn’t know it until I saw his picture and a short write up in The Tennessean. He was 18 and a PFC in the Marines.
I thank our veterans every day of my life and thank God that I was lucky enough to be born in the USA.
DENNIS RICHARDSON is president of Magic Valley Publishing, which includes The Bartlett Express.