Kustoff’s co-sponsored bill to support law enforcement passes in House


WASHINGTON, DC—On Monday, Congressman David Kustoff (TN-08), announced passage of the National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act.

This bill directs the U.S. Treasury to mint a coin in 2021 in commemoration of the opening of the National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington. Proceeds from coin sales will help support the museum.

“The National Law Enforcement Museum is an important tribute to our law enforcement officers who risk their lives every day for our protection. This museum will play a vital role in educating people on the work of our nation’s law enforcement, as well as promoting their safety,” said Rep. Kustoff. “The sale of this minted coin will have a large impact on the future of the National Law Enforcement Museum and the mission of our law enforcement officers. I was proud to see it pass the House in a bipartisan manner.”

In other news, on Oct. 22 Kustoff questioned U.S. Housing Secretary-Ben Carson and Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury-Steven Mnuchin in the U.S. House Financial Services Committee.

Kustoff asked Secretary Carson and Secretary Mnuchin how they see opportunity zones, including the new Union Row site, as a way to address affordable housing in Memphis.

“In Memphis and Shelby County, we have 32 opportunity zones, all of which are a powerful vehicle for bringing economic growth and job creation to the Memphis communities that need it the most,” said Rep. Kustoff.

Watch the full questioning online at this link. [Editor’s note: An incorrect link was accidentally included in the printed version of this story. This is the corrected link.]