Horoscopes for June 16-22, 2019

These horoscopes are for June 16-22, 2019.

photo credit: Leo Reynolds Zodiac Clock via photopin (license)

ARIES (March 21–April 20): Pull out all the emotional stops this week, Aries. Things seemingly tug at your heartstrings more so than in the past, and it’s okay to have a few tears develop during a sad movie.

TAURUS (April 21–May 21): Taurus, kick communication up a notch if you want to get things done. Write things out if you need a cheat sheet, then pull together all of the key players.

GEMINI (May 22–June 21): Money is a priority this week, and you have to put your focus on finances, Gemini. Have you reconciled your checking account lately? See where you are spending and saving.

CANCER (June 22–July 22): Don’t overthink things too much, Cancer. Try to go with the flow as much as possible. Situations with coworkers could take an unexpected turn. Be on the lookout.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 23): You are in need of a break this week, Leo. However, there are many demands on your time and focus. Devote this weekend to self-care and R&R.

VIRGO (Aug. 24–Sept. 22): The first half of the week lights up your friendships and long-term aspirations, Virgo. Try putting the two together so you can have more balance in your life.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23): Libra, career stars are shining brightly for you and all eyes are on you. Use this opportunity to really showcase your talents. People with power may be watching.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 22): Scorpio, inspiration is in big supply this week, but be sure to watch out for those who might try to dissuade you. Keep plans on the down low if you have a great idea.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23–Dec. 21): Sagittarius, you might get a little off course in the next few days. But all it will take is a little correction to have your plans and goals line up once again.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 20): Relationships take center stage this week, Capricorn. You are getting pulled in many different directions, but you may love being busy and the energy that requires.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21–Feb. 18): Work and health take the helm this week, Aquarius. Are you running yourself ragged or not feeling 100 percent? It might be time to really focus on schedule adjustments.

PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20): Good old fashioned fun is on the horizon, Pisces. Use the warm weather as an opportunity to go to a drive-in movie or attend a local carnival.

Famous birthdays

  • June 16: Trevor Wentworth, singer (26)
  • June 17: Paulina Rubio, singer (48)
  • June 18: Blake Shelton, singer (43)
  • June 19: Macklemore, rapper (36)
  • June 20: Nicole Kidman, actress (52)
  • June 21: Chris Pratt, actor (40)
  • June 22: Meryl Streep, actress (70)