Colleges and universities have released information about the honors and degrees received by area students.
The following undergraduates have been named to the spring 2019 chancellor’s honor rolls at The University of Tennessee at Martin:
- Bartlett – Caleb H. Bell, highest honors; Melody K. Black, highest honors; Maya Brown, honors; Aleah R. Caldwell, highest honors; Alexandra D. Chapman, highest honors; Catherine E. Chapman, highest honors; Violet A. Durden, highest honors; Katherine M. Grantham, highest honors; Alex J. Hess, high honors; Sarah M. Johnson, high honors; Tracey Jordan, high honors; Danielle M. Kerr, high honors; Brookelyn E. Massey, highest honors; Sarah E. Max, high honors; Conner R. Murley, high honors; Morgan T. Schoep, highest honors; Zoe E. Swick, honors; John M. Taylor, highest honors; Jennifer A. Vesey, high honors; Ragan A. Weeks, highest honors; and Rachael A. Williams, honors.
- Arlington – Braedan T. Badgley, honors; Haley E. Baker, high honors; Julia C. Borrego, highest honors; DeAundra M. Boyd, honors; Katelyn R. Elmore, high honors; Katelyn N. Essary, honors; Bri’ann M. Goode, high honors; Juliane M. Rooks, Honors; and Dawson Worl, highest honors.
- Lakeland – William R. Edwards, highest honors; Griffin B. Gallimore, high honors; Victoria F. Hollingshead, honors; Tayler J. Landry, honors; and McKell E. Wilbanks, highest honors.
To be eligible for the chancellor’s honor roll at UT-Martin, a student must take at least 12 hours of credit (not including pass-fail courses) and achieve at least a 3.2 (B) grade point average based on a 4.0 scale. Students can make the chancellor’s honor roll with honors (3.2 through 3.49), high honors (3.5 through 3.79) or highest honors (3.8 through 4.0).
Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tenn., has named the following students to its dean’s list for the spring 2019 semester: Kailysia Beckwith of Bartlett; and Loren Carmichael, Rebecca Edwards, Jason Pagenkopf and Zhariah Walker, all of Arlington. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or greater.
The following students have been named to the spring 2019 dean’s list for Belmont University in Nashville: Claire Ward of Bartlett; Allison Heathcock, Alyssa Stephens and Jana Stephens, all of Arlington; and Ava Jackson of Lakeland. Eligibility is based on a minimum course load of 12 hours and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a C.
Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, Tenn., has named Chainna Scott of Bartlett to the dean’s list for the spring 2019 semester. Eligible students must have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher while taking 12 or more credit hours.
Melanie Sevilla, a Senior English major from Lakeland, has been named to the spring 2019 dean’s list at Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. The dean’s list recognizes students who earn a 3.00-3.74 grade point average during the semester.
Alexander Backer of Arlington was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Backer is pursuing a degree in psychology at Framingham State University in Baton Rouge, La. Membership is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top 10 percent of seniors and 7.5 percent of juniors are eligible for membership. Graduate students in the top 10 percent of the number of candidates for graduate degrees may also qualify, as do faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction.
Two local students graduated from Clemson University in Clemson, S.C., this spring: Zachary W. Riedel of Bartlett, summa cum laude, bachelor of science degree in materials science and engineering; and Megan L. Wander of Lakeland, magna cum laude, bachelor of science degree in environmental engineering.
Two local students graduated from Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, Tenn., this spring: Chainna Scott of Bartlett, bachelor of arts degree in psychology; and Michelle Hope of Memphis, doctorate of education degree in educational leadership.
Park University’s Naval Support Activity Mid-South Millington campus, has released the names of its local graduates who received degrees at a May 17 commencement ceremony. They include Danni Li of Arlington, master of healthcare administration degree in human resource management; Kashunda M. Chalmers of Bartlett, bachelor of science degree in management/human resources, summa cum laude; David Grey Crawford of Arlington, bachelor of science degree in interdisciplinary studies, magna cum laude; Tracie R. Wischoff of Bartlett, bachelor of science degree in management/human resources, cum laude; Darrence A. Wolfe of Arlington, bachelor of science degree in management/human resources; and Amy Parker of Bartlett, associate of science degree in management. Students who graduated summa cum laude had a grade-point average of 3.9-4.0; magna cum laude, 3.7-3.899; and cum laude, 3.5-3.699.
Mikayla Jones of Arlington graduated from Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, S.C., with a doctor of chiropractic degree on March 23. The doctor of chiropractic program at Sherman College requires students to complete approximately 4,600 hours (14 quarters) of classroom and laboratory study and also includes an internship in the college’s on-campus Chiropractic Health Center.
Matthew Meyers of Bartlett graduated summa cum laude from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville with a bachelor of science degree in communication, studying advertising. He also graduated from the Chancellors Honors program at UT, where he conducted a senior thesis focusing on the effects on social media of male representation in the makeup industry. He was awarded the Outstanding Advertising Graduate as well as Extraordinary Academic Achievement and Extraordinary Professional Promise. During his time at UT, Meyers studied abroad for a semester during his sophomore year in Barcelona, Spain. Additionally, he completed internships at Inferno Advertising in Memphis, Publicis in New York City and Discovery Channel in Knoxville, and he will pursue a career within the advertising industry.