The Friends of the Library for the Memphis Public Library System is inviting nonprofit organizations to pick up some free books on Saturday, May 25, during the library book sale.
Interested parties should bring proof of their organization’s non-profit status (such as a letter from the state or the most recent 990 form) and come to Meeting Rooms A-C at the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library at 3030 Poplar Ave., Memphis.
Nonprofit attendees should come to the nonprofit registration table in the lobby to get their Friends of the Library shopping sticker. Then they may join the regular shoppers browsing through the book assortment. At 4:30 p.m., they may start loading carts and boxes with their selection of free books and complete their selection and vehicle loading by 5 p.m.
To register, nonprofit spokesmen should email lauryce.graves-mciver@memphistn.gov no later than close of business on Friday, May 24, to get their names added to the registration list.