Memorial Day closures and early deadlines

The West 10 Media office, which includes The Bartlett Express, will be closed for business on Monday, May 27, in honor of Memorial Day. Advertising and editorial deadlines for the May 30 issue will be one day earlier than usual. Please call (901) 433-9138 for more information.

Area municipalities have also announced their holiday closures:

  • Bartlett: Bartlett City Offices, Bartlett Library, Bartlett Senior Center, Singleton Community Center and the Bartlett Animal Shelter will be closed on Monday. Trash pick-up will be delayed by one day. The Bartlett Recreation Center will be open 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Arlington: All town offices will be closed on Monday, and trash service will be delayed by one day.
  • Lakeland: All city offices, including Lakeland Senior Center, will be closed on Monday. Team Waste will not run trash service on Monday; service will be delayed by one day.