Pickleball players were out in force in Bartlett last weekend at the 6th Annual “Spring Fling” Round Robin Charity Pickleball Tourney. Entry fees from the 162 players raised about $15,250, benefiting the Youth Villages Life Set Program. Matches were at the Bartlett Recreation Center and Singleton Community Center on April 5-7.
Tournament Director Rick Darling said, “This was our most successful tournament to date in terms of not only money raised for YV Life Set but in terms of people commenting on how well run and organized the tournament was and operated. This is a tribute to the Pickleball Tournament Committee but especially to the 30 or so volunteers who gave their weekend up for YV kids — also a tribute to the outstanding facilities, BRC and Singleton CC and the people that manage and work at these Parks and Recreation facilities. We who live in Bartlett and surrounding areas are lucky to have them!”
To date, the tournament has raised more than $40,000 over its six years of operation. In the past two years alone it has raised more than $25,000.
Pickleball is a sport that often attracts active older adults looking for a competitive but low-impact activity. It’s a paddle sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis and uses two to four players with wooden paddles, a net and a perforated polymer ball similar to a Wiffle Ball.
For more information about the tournament, visit bit.ly/Pickleball-Tourney-2019.