Bartlett Kiwanis Club’s March 27 speaker was Aaron Keegan of the Salvation Army. Keegan stood in as the speaker for Buddy Chapman of Crimestoppers, who had to cancel due to a family illness. Keegan spoke of the Purdue Center of Hope, a family residence provided by the Salvation Army. Homeless women and children receive housing and counseling, enabling them to get back on their feet. Forty-six percent of the children in Shelby County live in poverty. Support for the Salvation Army is support for these children. PICTURED: Bartlett High School Principal Tim Jones and Aaron Keegan of the Salvation Army. Courtesy photo.
Bartlett Kiwanis Club’s March 27 speaker was Aaron Keegan of the Salvation Army. Keegan stood in as the speaker for Buddy Chapman of Crimestoppers, who had to cancel due to a family illness. Keegan spoke of the Purdue Center of Hope, a family residence provided by the Salvation Army. Homeless women and children receive housing and counseling, enabling them to get back on their feet. Forty-six percent of the children in Shelby County live in poverty. Support for the Salvation Army is support for these children.