Artists Embassy International of California is hosting its 26 annual poetry contest and soliciting poets to participate. Poets will read at the prestigious Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco, Sept. 26.
There will be three grand prizes of $100 each, and the winners’ poems will be choreographed, costumed, and videod in live performances at the Dancing Poetry Festival in San Francisco.
Gandhi to Althya Youngman, the founder, said, “it is the artists of the world that will bring world peace.”
The event also will offer six first prizes of $50 each, 12 second prizes of $25 each and 30 third prizes at $10 each.
The contest rules limit each poem to a maximum of 40 lines, but there is no limit on the number of entries. All entries are due by April 15, and no poems will be returned. Poets should send two typed, clear copies of each entry. Show your name, address, phone number, email and how you heard about the event on just one of those copies. (The anonymous copy goes to the judges.) The judges’ decisions are final.
The entry fee is $5 for one poem or $10 for three. Make any checks out to Artists Embassy International.
Poems must be in English or include an English translation. Poets outside the U.S.A. should send an international postal money order in U.S. dollars or U.S. currency.
Send entries and fees to the AEI Contest Chair: Judy Cheung, 704 Brigham Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95404. See the website at dancingpoetry.com.