BPD reports: Armed robber alarms woman at Regions ATM

The Bartlett Police Report for Jan. 28-Feb. 3 lists the most notable crimes for that period as reported by the Bartlett Police Department; it does not necessarily reflect all police activity. All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.


A woman was withdrawing $40 from the ATM at Regions Bank (6231 Stage Road) around 4:45 a.m. on Friday when she noticed another car pull up behind her. She said a very short male who appeared to be in his 20s emerged from the passenger side and walked quickly toward her. He held a black semi-automatic handgun and wore a hoodie sweatshirt pulled tightly around his face.

She threw down her $40 in cash and her Regions ATM card and drove away. As she left, she saw the suspect’s vehicle head southbound into Memphis and toward the interstate. A second male was driving the newer model maroon Hyundai sedan.

She said the suspect never spoke or made any demands.


Ivawood Drive: A man left his vehicle parked on the street in front of his home around 11 p.m. Jan. 27, and he discovered a break-in the next morning around 6 a.m. An unknown suspect gained entry and rummaged through the center console and glove compartment, stealing $800, a pair of Oakley sunglasses and two pairs of headphones. The owner said he believes his vehicle’s doors were locked and all windows were up. When he discovered the theft, the driver’s window was open by about 3 inches and the doors were unlocked. There were no signs of forced entry.

Unspecified location: A victim flagged down an officer around 4:30 p.m. Jan. 29, saying that someone burglarized his unlocked car overnight on Jan. 13. The suspect rummaged through the glove compartment and center console but didn’t take anything.

Patricia Ellen Drive: A woman reported on Feb. 1 that someone had entered two of her unlocked vehicles while they were parked in her driveway. The incident happened between 9:30 p.m. Jan. 31 and 6:30 a.m. Feb. 1. (The incident summary didn’t specify what was stolen.)

Stage Hills: A woman at St. John’s Community Services (7891 Stage Hills) reported on Feb. 1 that someone entered her unlocked vehicle. She found it with the trunk lid open and signs that someone had rummaged through the interior. The responding officer saw no damage to the vehicle.

Ballard Drive: A man reported on Feb. 1 that someone had stolen his white quad cab 2016 Toyota Tacoma from his driveway. There was no broken glass on the driveway or other signs that the thief used forced to enter the vehicle. The owner said he thinks he left his spare key inside the vehicle.

Acree Street: Someone broke into a toolbox on the back of a man’s truck bed, the victim reported on Feb. 1. He said the suspect stole multiple tools but didn’t damage the tool box other than making a small dent in the metal.

Halstead Drive: Someone stole a six-foot ladder out of the bed of a woman’s truck while it was parked in front of her home, she reported on Feb. 3. She said someone also took her Samsung Galaxy Note 5 out of the unlocked vehicle.

Burglaries, thefts

Honeybee Lane: A man reported Jan. 28 that someone broke into his home, and responding officers found that the front door in the carport had been pried open. The victim estimated his total losses around $24,000. A neighbor saw a white car parked nearby around 2 p.m. and thought it was suspicious but couldn’t give any more information on the vehicle or possible suspects.

Blackwell Drive: A man reported arriving home just after noon Jan. 29 and finding his back door wide open. The responding officer saw very minor damage to the rear door, where it appeared that someone had gently pried the door open. The victim said numerous items in the home were stolen.