Local Girl Scouts council holds informative ‘Join-A-Thon’

[Editor’s note: This story published on Jan. 17, 2019, in our print edition but was delayed in being posted online due to technical issues.]

Girls age 5 – 17 and adults have an opportunity to join Girl Scouts in Memphis and Jackson in Tennessee and Tupelo in Mississippi. On Tuesday, Jan. 22, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Girl Scouts Heart of the South is holding a Join-A-Thon.

In Memphis, Girl Scouts Heart of the South is at 717 S. White Station Road and can be reached at (901) 334-3461.

Girl Scout staff members will be available live to help with registrations for both girls and adults. Parents can call 800-624-4185 and talk to a staff member about the fun things girls can do and the life lessons they can learn through Girl Scouts.

The first 25 girls to join and any adult that becomes a Troop Co-Leader through the Join-A-Thon (new members or renewals) will receive a goodie bag that includes a $25 coupon for the Girl Scout Shop.

Girl Scouts Heart of the South encompasses 59 counties in east Arkansas, north Mississippi, and west Tennessee. The headquarters is in Memphis, TN and regional service centers are located in Jackson, TN, and Tupelo, MS. To find out more, visit them online at girlscoutshs.org.