Early voting is underway in the Primary Special Election for state senate seat District 32, which became vacant when Mark Norris resigned to begin serving as a federal judge.
The Shelby County Election Commission (SCEC) Early Voting location opened Jan. 4. Five more sites will open Saturday, Jan. 12. They are Arlington Safe House, Collierville Church of Christ, Compassion Church, Harmony Church and The Refuge Church. Addresses and times of operation are available at shelbyvote.com.
District 32 includes part of Shelby County and part of Tipton County.
SCEC administrator of elections Linda Phillips said her office has received calls from voters in Tipton County wanting to know if they can vote early in Shelby County.
“All voters must vote in the counties in which they are registered,” Phillips said. “Just as Shelby County voters may not vote in Tipton County, those in Tipton County cannot vote here.”
The last day of early voting is Jan. 19.
The Primary Special Election Day is Jan. 24. There are 28 precincts in District 32.
The General Special Election will be on Mar. 12.