Bartlett Kiwanis Club installs officers, donates to BES

The Bartlett Kiwanis Club installed its new club president, Holly Linder, at the group’s Oct. 10 meeting. PICTURED: From left are Beverly Holgren, continuing her duties as secretary; Lieutenant Governor Tom Tomlinson and Germantown Club Kiwanian of the year, who installed the new president; Linder; and Leslie Williams, longtime club treasurer. Courtesy photo.


The Bartlett Kiwanis Club recently donated supplies to the Bartlett Elementary School clinic. The club is also looking forward to its 25th celebration to be held at Quailridge Golf Course’s clubhouse 6-9 p.m. Nov. 2. A special cooking class at Youth Villages will provide the catering. Tickets are $25; RSVP to Leslie at (901) 213-9900. PICTURED, from left, are Melinda Kuhn, BES school nurse; and Mark Griffy, Kiwanis Club member. Courtesy photo.