Saltbox house of history

Twice a month, including last Sunday, a treasure trove of Bartlett history opens its doors to visitors. The Nicholas Gotten House, built in 1871, is the home of the Bartlett Historical Society and has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 2002. Visitors can tour the grounds and both floors of the New England-style saltbox home from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month. Admission is free but donations are accepted. Points of interest include a pump organ and a working Victrola, both of which are still used for annual Christmas parties; a children’s bedroom that holds an antique quilt signed by most Bartlett women of its era; and a display cabinet of Civil War memorabilia, to name just a few. Back offices in the house also hold a researcher’s dreams – a file cabinet full of Bartlett history, shelves of reference materials and Bartlett High School yearbooks going back to the school’s 1917 founding. The house is at 2969 Court Street, Bartlett.