MLGW charity drive collects feminine hygiene products for needy girls

Photo by Elisabeth Seger via; some rights reserved.

Tampons and sanitary pads are a necessity and not a luxury for girls as they grow into womanhood. Many girls as young as 11 are missing school in Shelby County because they do not have the proper necessities. MLGW has a plan to help them.

MLGW and its Council of Administrative Professionals (COAP) are hosting a drive now through Sept. 28 to collect such items for Shelby County Schools through the United Way.

Drop items in the COAP box at any MLGW community office:

  • Downtown Office: 245 S. Main St., Memphis
  • Millington Office: 5131 Navy Road, Millington
  • North Office: 2424 Summer Ave., Memphis
  • South Office: 2935 Lamar Ave., Memphis
  • Whitehaven Office: 1111 E. Shelby Drive, Memphis