Bartlett Police Reports for July 30-Aug. 5, 2018

The Bartlett Police Report for July 30-Aug. 5 lists the most notable crimes for that period, including one intentional and one accidental shooting.

Editor’s note: This report represents the most notable incidents provided by the Bartlett Police Department and does not necessarily reflect all police activity. All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

Officers responded to a shooting at Meggie Lane around 10:50 p.m. Aug. 2. Several witnesses said two male suspects jumped out of a white SUV on the street, and one shot a pistol at a home. The two then got back in the SUV and sped off southbound on Flintlock Drive. A bullet also struck a vehicle at a neighbor’s house.

Statements from witnesses and victims indicated that the two suspects and victims do appear to know each other.

The accidental shooting was just before midnight on Aug. 2. Officers responded to a call on Glenchase Drive, where a woman had a gunshot wound. They took her boyfriend into custody. The victim was moved to the Regional One Medical Center, where she was later pronounced dead.


  • Coachhouse Cove: Home surveillance showed two males popping a vehicle’s lock and entering it. Reported on July 30.
    North Germantown Parkway: A suspect failed to return the vehicle she was renting from Wolfchase Nissan by the promised return date of July 20, and the dealership has tried to contact her numerous times without success. Reported July 30.
  • Highland Condominiums: A resident said someone entered her unlocked vehicle on July 29 or 30 while it was parked outside her condo. The only items missing were a few diet pills. Reported July 31.
  • Memphis Arlington Road: A woman reported that her license plate went missing from her boyfriend’s car while it was parked at Youth Villages (7410 Memphis Arlington Road) on July 31.
  • Stage Road: Someone shattered the front passenger window of a man’s vehicle in the L.A. Fitness parking lot (6050 Stage Road). It happened between 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. while the victim was working out in the gym. Reported Aug. 1.
  • Brother Boulevard: Someone broke into a vehicle at Peterson Insurance (8046 North Brother Boulevard) between 11:15 a.m. and 11:30 am. on Aug. 2. The only item taken was a wallet containing cash and personal items.
  • Orion Cove: Someone broke into a man’s two unlocked vehicles on Aug. 1 or 2, but nothing appeared to be missing. The owner found one vehicle’s hood open and all interior compartments opened.
  • U.S. 70: Someone took the August sticker from a women’s license plate. Reported Aug. 2.
  • Daybreak Drive: A man reported that the driver’s door on his vehicle was ajar and his pistol was missing from the center console. Reported Aug. 3.
  • Daybreak Drive: A woman found the front passenger window of her vehicle broken and her purse missing. Reported Aug. 3.
    Unspecified location: A vehicle owner reported that a small male suspect walked across his front yard and entered his unlocked vehicle between Aug. 2 and 3, but nothing was missing.
  • La Casa Drive: A man dismissed his dog’s barking late on Aug. 4, but then found the dome light on in his wife’s car around 1:15 a.m. on Aug. 5. Nothing was missing. Then he noticed this someone had also rifled through his truck and stolen a laptop.
  • Via Lopez Drive: A patrol officer spotted a vehicle with an open passenger door, and the interior compartments were open. No one was home, but the officer called the owner, who said there was nothing of value in the vehicle. Reported Aug. 5.
  • La Casa Drive: A patrol officer found the driver’s side doors of three vehicles at a home all slightly ajar and the vehicles rummaged through. Someone took a carton of Winston cigarettes and spare change from the vehicles.

Thefts and burglaries

  • Craven Road: Someone stole a man’s lawn mower in the early morning hours of July 31.
  • Millgrove Park: A woman noticed that her gun case and handgun were missing from her home. She said it happened between April 2018 and July 31. There was no sign of forced entry.
  • Flaherty Place: A man reported his wallet missing from where he had placed it in an unlocked locker on Aug. 1, but employees at the Bartlett Rec Center advised him that someone found it in the parking lot and returned it. The only thing missing from the wallet was some cash.
  • Pinnacle Point: A woman heard knocks at her front door around 8:30 p.m. Aug. 1, and someone started pushing the door and trying to turn the locked doorknob. She looked out a window and saw a four-door black Audi with a male driver and another male standing at her front door. The man outside the door continued trying for several minutes, but they both fled after she demanded they leave her property.
  • Altruria Road: Someone forced open the rear door at Quail Ridge Golf Course and took money from the registers, setting off an alarm just before 4 a.m. Aug. 3.
  • Stage Road: Someone pried open the front door at Bartlett Prescription Shop (5675 Stage Road), but it appeared that nothing was stolen. Reported Aug. 3.
  • Rivercrest Lane: Two teachers attending training at Rivercrest Elementary School had cash and prescription medicine stolen from their purses while attending training there on Aug. 3. They left the purses in a classroom during training.
  • U.S. 70: Someone stole two carts from the parking lot at Fred’s on opening day, Aug. 4. A witness said she saw two middle-aged males with one of the blue carts in the bed of a tan Ford F150.
  • Germantown Parkway: A couple reported being the victim of a pickpocket at Gus’s Chicken (2943 Germantown Parkway) on Aug. 5. After their meal, they returned home and began to get messages that someone was trying to use their bank card. That’s when the noticed the woman’s wallet was missing from her purse.


  • Unspecified address: A woman reported that there were 64 fraudulent charges and cash advances on her account between June 22 and July 22. Reported July 31.
  • Beagle Run Lane: Someone conned a man out of $1,500 in a common phone scam on Aug. 1. The victim received a phone call he believed was from his grandson, saying he had been arrested in Cancun, Mexico, and needed bail money. The victim bought $1,500 in Google Play gift cards and sent the codes to the caller. When the person called back to ask for more money, the victim declined and became suspicious. He contacted his grandson, who said he wasn’t in jail or in Mexico.
  • Unspecified location: A woman was the target of a job offer scam, she reported on Aug. 4. She applied for jobs online at, and one person responded, saying she had the job. The victim didn’t respond, but then she received another email stating that a check for $5,980 was coming to her ($450 for her first week’s salary, $50 for a storage unit, and the rest to be sent to “art suppliers”). She received the check and turned it over to police.


Memphis Arlington Road: A woman reported that the driver’s side tires were punctured on Aug. 2. Both tires were fine at 6:30 a.m. but they were deflated as of 9:30 a.m.. Video footage shows a suspect around her vehicle.