Registration is open now through Aug. 1 for the 2018 fall adult flag football league in Lakeland.
Organizers say the cutoff deadline is strict so there is time to order and receive uniforms before the season begins. The season will be Saturdays, Sept. 8-Oct. 13 with playoffs in a single-elimination tournament on Oct. 20. Games will begin at 9:30 a.m. at Lakeland City Hall Fields, 10001 U.S. 70, Fields 1 and 2.
Play will be 7 vs. 7. Teams are open to men and women over the age of 16 with a maximum of 14 people per roster. The cost is $80 per player as free agents or $900 per team of 12. The fee includes a jersey, two referees per game, 12 games plus playoffs, one rain-out makeup day, and the playoff day picnic.
Teams or free agents can sign up using the online registration form is online at lakelandtn.gov/leagues. Look under “Adult Programs” and then the “Adult Flag Football” tab.
All registrations are due at Lakeland City Hall by Aug. 1.
For more information, contact Wendy Haley at (901) 867-5407 or whaley@lakelandtn.org.