The Environmental Working Group, a watchdog organization, has released a nationwide study of water testing results around the United States, including Shelby County. The study focuses on the carcinogenic chemical chromium 6, which was found locally, and also mentions other contaminants.
A spokesman for EWG has stated that the chromium values found in Shelby County averaged about twice the target level, but the slight elevation above the public health goal risk isn’t a significant concern.
An MLGW spokesman said regular testing shows that the water is clean and safe.
For the latest quarter assessed by the Environmental Protection Agency (July-September 2017), these utilities’ tap water complied with federal health-based drinking water standards:
Bartlett Water System shows two contaminants at low levels that exceed EWG-recommended health guidelines. Those are chromium and Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs). Four other contaminants were also detected.
Collierville Water Department shows three such contaminants: chromium, TTHMs and radiological contaminants. Five other contaminants were also detected.
Germantown Water Department shows two such contaminants: Chromium and TTHMs. Five other contaminants were also detected.
MLGW shows two such contaminants: Radiological contaminants and TTHMs. Nine other contaminants were also detected.
For details on these and other water systems, visit ewg.org/tapwater online and search by ZIP code or by state.
CAROLYN BAHM is the editor of The Bartlett Express. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to carolyn.bahm@journalinc.com.