What about our box of chocolates?

bex-2017-11-23-billy-holland-wIt’s hard to believe that 2017 is history. We have many things to be thankful for along with events and situations that brought sorrow, pain and disappointment. Forest Gump’s mom said, “life is like a box of chocolates” as we never know what we are going to get. We are not only unaware of what is coming our way, but we are also unprepared for how these future events will change our life.

I’ve had several people express to me how they did not feel excited about Christmas this year. I must admit that I agree. Over the years I’ve done some research about the origins of the holidays and let’s just say the more we learn the more we are accountable for. Another reason is with our kids now in their mid-thirties and married, we are still eagerly waiting for grandchildren. Without small children running around, the enthusiasm of the festivities is reduced.

I must also include that the relentless bombardment of holiday advertising is enough to dampen even the most fanatical participators.

Maybe I’m sad because things are not the way they used to be. I miss certain individuals that are no longer with us, and their absence has left an empty place in my heart.

I also have thoughts about growing older. I’m starting to feel a little nervous and maybe even stressed about my future. Issues like financial security and health are like those unknown pieces of chocolate, but I’ve come to understand that I can plan my life through two different views. I can depend on my own abilities and allow my emotions to establish how I feel and who I am. Or I can draw close to God and trust Him with everything.

The first choice is to live in fear and worry. I know we are to use our mind and do everything we can to help ourselves, but there is likely to come a time when we will have a problem so large that we cannot fix it on our own.

The second choice has everything to do with becoming very serious about our relationship with Jesus Christ. Surrendering our will to Him is the most difficult sacrifice we will ever make, but keep in mind that He also made the ultimate sacrifice for you because He loves you more than anything. A very common response to the topic of faith is, “You do not have a clue what I’m going through” and I realize that; however, the severity of our problems cannot change the reality of His truth.

It’s not essential that we know where God is taking us, what He is going to do or how He is going to do it. We just need to pull over, give Him the keys and let Him drive. This coming year, God desires to be the Lord of our life, no matter what flavors of chocolate are still in our box.

DR. BILLY HOLLAND lives in Central Kentucky with his wife Cheryl, where he is a Christian author and community chaplain. To learn about his free CD offer, visit billyhollandministries.com.