MEMPHIS — The Downtown office of the Shelby County Election Commission has moved from its current space to the building next door at 157 Poplar Ave., Suite 137. The building in the same one in which Downtown early voting has taken place.
The move was originally schedule for earlier in November, but delays in carpet installation at the new location required postponement of the move.
Shelby County government has guidelines about the space that can be allocated to each office. Because there is more space than allowed for the number of employees at the Downtown location, the decision was made to move the office.
Business will be conducted as usual at the Operations Center. Renovations have been made to the facility during the last year, making optimum use of that space.
“Extensive renovation there enabled us to make the Downtown offices more compact,” said Linda Phillips, administrator of elections for SCEC.
Because voting does not take place at the SCEC offices, the Downtown early voting location will change, but to date, a new location has not been chosen.
“It’s one of our least used polling locations, but it is convenient for people who live and work downtown and want to vote during lunch. As soon as we have selected a new location, we will let everyone know. The decision will be made well in advance of the May primaries,” Phillips said.