The Bartlett city board approved a $5,000 increase in the budget for renovating the school district’s pending new central office, among other actions at the Nov. 14 meeting.
The board amended the Education Capital Project Fund Budget as requested by the Bartlett City Schools district. Renovations for Bartlett Square went up from $125,000 to $130,000. This change brings the Amended 2017-18 Education Capital Project Fund Budget Revenues to $4,416,625.
In other business, the board also:
- Accepted the lowest bid to replace the gym roof at Singleton Community Center. The bid went to Affordable Construction with a total project cost of $146,200. This includes Affordable Construction’s bid of $146,200 plus a contingency amount of $25,000, as well as construction management by Ross Witt for $6,700.
- Accepted the lower bid for one snowplow and salt spreader for Public Works. The bid went to Stringfellow Inc. at a cost of $34,932.00.
- Passed a resolution that will bring in funds for bulletproof vests. Bartlett accepted a $8,049.55 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice Fiscal Year 2017 Programs. The grant pays for 50 percent of the cost to buy more bulletproof vests for the Bartlett Police Department.
- Approved the auctioning of surplus property on The city will be auctioning 14 items with a potential value of $500 or more.
- Appointed Anne Faulks to the Bartlett Performing Arts and Community Center (BPACC) Advisory Board.
- Decided to cancel the second city board meeting in December (Dec. 26). The first meeting of the month will be on the second Tuesday, Dec. 12, as usual.