21st annual Quilt and Fiber Arts Show

Above, Paige Porter of Memphis was one of the quilters who participated in the 21st Annual Quilt and Fiber Arts Show on Nov. 3-5 at Davies Manor Plantation in Bartlett. She used a 1940 pattern for her quilt. At right, quilters and fiber artists from throughout the Mid-South submitted their work for inclusion in the Davies Manor Plantation event on Nov. 3-5. For more information, call (901) 386-0715 or email daviesmanorassoc@bellsouth.net. Photo by Scott Steele.
Above, Paige Porter of Memphis was one of the quilters who participated in the 21st Annual Quilt and Fiber Arts Show on Nov. 3-5 at Davies Manor Plantation in Bartlett. She used a 1940 pattern for her quilt. Photo by Scott Steele.
Quilters and fiber artists from throughout the Mid-South submitted their work for inclusion in the Davies Manor Plantation event on Nov. 3-5. For more information, call (901) 386-0715 or email daviesmanorassoc@bellsouth.net. Photo by Scott Steele.