Collegiate Corner

graduation image

Arlington student enrolls at Belmont University

Audrey O’Neill of Arlington was among the freshmen who recently enrolled at Belmont University in Nashville for the fall 2017 semester. The university welcomed 8,080 students to the first day of classes, nearly triple the enrollment in 2000.

Bartlett student inducted into Phi Zeta Kappa

Bartlett resident Jobelle Gulian, a student at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck, N.J., was inducted into Fdu’s Phi Zeta Kappa honor society for the spring 2017 semester.

Eligibility for membership in the junior honor society is established by completing at least the first 60 credits toward an undergraduate degree. Of these, 44 must have been earned at Fairleigh Dickinson and a CGPR of 3.20 must have been maintained for all of them. All the preceding requirements must have been fulfilled prior to the accumulation of 80 credits toward the undergraduate degree.

Briarcrest alum Quinn Smith studies abroad

Briarcrest Christian School alumnus Quinn Smith (Class of 2015) had an exciting summer studying at the University of Edinburgh and interning in the Scottish Parliament. He enjoyed an intense three-week crash course in British and Scottish politics along with Scottish culture.

During his internship, Smith prepared policy briefs and research reports, answered constituent phone calls and emails, sat in on committee meetings and the first minister’s questions and gave tours of the Scottish Parliament.

Smith is a junior studying pre-law at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. In addition to his summer abroad, Quinn has already participated in Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign, Congressman David Kustoff’s congressional campaign and municipal election campaigns in Knoxville. This fall he is interning for Sen. Bob Corker in the senator’s Knoxville office while attending UTK.

Shelby County students graduate from WGU in Nashville

Twenty-three Shelby County residents received degrees at the Aug. 26 commencement ceremony for Western Governor’s University (WGU) at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville. They included:

  • Kimberly Ballard, MBA, Healthcare Management
  • Cherico Bowman, Master of Science, Nursing – Leadership and Management
  • Deborah Cargile, Bachelor of Science, Accounting
  • Sandra Cross, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • Andrea Garrett, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • Mini George, Master of Science, Nursing – Leadership and Management
  • Marilyn Gurley, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • Lametrias Hall, Master of Science, Nursing – Education
  • Jennifer Hogan, MBA, Management and Strategy
  • Angela Huddleston, Bachelor of Science, IT – Networks Administration Emphasis
  • Tulina Love, Bachelor of Science, Business Management
  • Mary Mitchell, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • Lisca Myles, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • Vetrina Njie, Bachelor of Science, Health Informatics
  • Kasse Parkinson, Master of Science, Nursing – Leadership and Management
  • Phyllis Payne, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • Alisa Pittman, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • Jenna Richardson, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • Wendy Taylor, Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • James Warberg, Master of Science, Management and Leadership
  • Meredith Watson, Bachelor of Arts, Science
  • Tundra Whitt, Master of Science, Management and Leadership
  • Ken Zakalik, Bachelor of Science, Business Management