If there’s a little drama in you, Shelby County needs your acting skills. A mass casualty exercise on Oct. 11 needs volunteers to role play patients experiencing illness or injuries.
The event is practice for a large-scale disaster and mass medical surge. Partners include the Shelby County Health Department, the Tennessee Department of Health, Agricenter International, and hospitals and medical facilities in Shelby, Lauderdale and Tipton counties in Tennessee and DeSoto County in Mississippi, as well as other local emergency management agencies.
The event will be 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at Agricenter International, Entrance C, 777 Walnut Grove, Memphis.
Groups are welcome, and participants ages 12 and older are permitted. Sign up today to volunteer at shelbytnhealth.com/350/Upcoming-Exercises.
For details, email Tina.McElravey@shelbycountytn.gov or call (901) 508-7327.