When WIFE.org co-founders and KPBS Local Heroes Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall founded Second Saturday Divorce Workshops through their non-profit organization 25 years ago, they never imagined that they would be offering support to tens of thousands of women struggling with divorce processes. These workshops have cropped up around the country, and with over half of marriages ending in divorce, it is clear that more help is needed.
With permission from WIFE.org, Teresa J.W. Bailey has modeled the Second Saturday Divorce Workshop of Greater Memphis after the original.
The workshop will debut in Memphis at 8:30 a.m.-noon this Saturday, Aug. 12. Organizers say it will address the legal, financial, familial and personal issues of divorce. With the guidance of trained professionals, participants will gain understanding of the confusing divorce process in a way that can save them tens of thousands of dollars and may help them avoid going to court.
The workshop will be at Waddell & Associates at 5188 Wheelis Drive, Memphis. Registration will begin at 8:15 a.m. The cost of $25 is waived for the inaugural session. Preregistration is online at secondsaturdaymemphis.com.