“One person can make a difference, and every person should try.”
— John F. Kennedy
Dale Lane, director of the Shelby County Office of Preparedness, has announced, “We are recruiting volunteers to work along-side our Shelby County Office of Preparedness (SCOP) staff and emergency responders to help keep our citizens safe. When disaster strikes, trained volunteers can make a huge difference in how quickly and effectively we get back to a new normal,” said Dale Lane, SCOP Director. “Please join us during National Volunteer Week, April 23–29!”
If you are inspired to serve others in the area of public safety, SCOP volunteer programs include:
- SCOP Reserves: Volunteers assist the SCOP staff with outreach efforts, emergency amateur radio communications, and other assignments. Reserves may also be called in to assist during an activation of the Emergency Operations Center. Reserves are required to volunteer a minimum of four hours per month as well as attend monthly meetings and training. Contact Reserve Program Coordinator Shelby Logan at shelby.logan@shelbycountytn.gov.
- Shelby Cares Reserves: These volunteers assist the SCOP staff with emergency sheltering operations for Shelby County. Duties may include assisting with shelter set up, check-in, feeding, and other support duties as assigned. Please contact Shelby Cares Coordinator, Terry Donald at terry.donald@shelbycountytn.gov.
Applications for these volunteer programs can be found at www.staysafeshelby.us or interested parties can call (901) 222-6700.
National Volunteer Week, established in 1974 by the Points of Light Foundation, recognizes and celebrates volunteers.